Microsoft's Leader Tempest

Microsoft's Leader Tempest
One of the influential people in financial institutions investment and president of Greenlight Capital, David Einhorn, said that Microsoft would go in the future they should look for a new CEO Steve Ballmer and lower. The reason is that under the leadership of Steve Ballmer, Microsoft did not change much from time to time and circumstances tend to be the same from year to year. There was no significant increase over the leadership of Ballmer.

 Microsoft is a company with the largest market capitalization in the United States in the late 90s. Up to now enter the 2011 state of Microsoft's still not much different from the state for more than 10 years ago. Einhorn believes this is because Microsoft failed in attacking the market on the Internet 2.0 era and late in the play in the mobile market. Because of the failure of Microsoft is now a leader in the technology industry long controlled by Microsoft is now taken over by Apple Inc.

 Of the total transactions in Dow Jones stock market, stock trading Microsoft took rations only 0.87%. Many were later blamed Steve Ballmer as a culprit from Microsoft for this stagnation. But criticism from David Einhorn this is a terlantang from someone who has a big name in the industry's first investment that bluntly criticized Ballmer. Greenlight Capital hedge fund is an institution that currently has 9 million shares of Microsoft or approximately 0.11% of the total shares of Microsoft.

 David Einhorn said this opinion when he was a speaker at the event fellow investors in New York. He said if the substitute Bill Gates in 2000 that then is a person who causes the stagnant shares of Microsoft for this and advised him to resign immediately and replace it with another figure before Microsoft's market value continues to be pursued by competitors.

 On Tuesday last, after over 15 years are over, for the first time IBM is able pass through Microsoft's market capitalization. Mainly because the value of Microsoft remain static for 10 years. Apple has done what was done by IBM yesterday on last year. According to calculation, investors who invest 100ribu dollars on Microsoft 10 years ago now has an investment of 69ribu dollars.

 Hopefully Microsoft can go forward and join any future developed technology leaders. Or Bill Gates had to come down the mountain and returned to lead Microsoft? Just as Apple which soared when it was led by Steve Jobs back to the early decades ago?