Oracle Ask Royalties For Google's Android

Oracle Ask Royalties For Google's Android
After Microsoft, Oracle is expected to turn now to take advantage of Android. This was disclosed by Deutsche Bank analyst Jonathan Goldberg some time ago. According to him, Oracle tried to ask for money royalty of $ 15 to $ 20 for every handset made by the assemblers smartphone Android Android because Oracle considers a patent that has been used primarily related to Java technology. But until now there is no Android handset maker that has agreed to pay a royalty to Oracle.

 Prior to this Oracle has filed a petition to Google to accusations that Google had violated copyright and patent Java code using a program like that used in the system opeasi Android. Oracle has a Java patents after Sun Microsystems bought in 2010.

 Oracle currently requesting compensation of 2.6 billion dollars and asked the court to temporarily halt production of Android gadgets. A Google representative declined to comment on Oracle's claim is and simply repeated earlier statements saying that Oracle's methodology for calculating damages based on a fundamental legal error and the inflated amount.

 Meanwhile, other companies that Microsoft continues to try to siphon money from Android device makers accused of using his patent in the Android device being manufactured. Last year Microsoft was able to convince HTC to license Microsoft's patents are used in devices by paying about $ 5 per device. While a few days ago Microsoft has also successfully licensed the patent to the four other Android device maker though smaller than the HTC. Microsoft also sued two big Android device makers like Motorola and Barnes & Noble, which until now has not succeeded.

One Microsoft's latest attempt to obtain money from Android is to press the Samsung, the largest Android handset maker. At the beginning of this week reported that Microsoft requested that Samsung pay a license fee of $ 15 per device Android produced.

 racle and Microsoft are both intended to obtain money from Android, but with a different approach. Oracle wanted to get into Android and make it as a source of income from patents that were included in it. While Microsoft, despite asking royalty, but is expected to also having an agenda to show that Android is not free and asked for handset makers to think again because there are alternatives that can be used as the Android mobile operating system is Windows 7 Phone hers. Whether Android will survive and continue to grow, or will fade due to various problems?