Hundreds of Apple iPad 2 Has Double Mobile Equipment Identifier

Hundreds of Apple iPad 2 Has Double Mobile Equipment Identifier
There are about 100 units iPad 2 with serial number or Mobile Equipment Indentifier identifier (MEID), which copies have reportedly withdrawn from the market by Apple.

 When compared with the total number of 2 which is marketed since iPad iPad 2 was released, basically a tablet units drawn are arguably very small in number and will not even affect the stock of Apple's devices are marketed itself.

 Based on Apple's confirmation to the AllThingsD on last Friday reported that IPAD unit 2, which pulled by Apple especially units designed to work on Verizon's CDMA network that has duplication on his MEID. And please note, the existence of serial numbers or mobile equipment identifier (MEID) is unique and essential role in the activation process on the iPad 2 CDMA-related.

 In addition to problems MEID, previously Apple has also been buffeted by various problems on the unit issue iPad 2. And one that was widely into publicity material is about the functioning of the unit.

 Several times lately, even the problems related publications have appeared on the LCD screen iPad 2. Poor levels of pixels on the screen iPad 2 appears to have become a separate complaint for its users.

 In response, Apple was reportedly carried out several steps to improve and increase service to its customers. Includes the Apple would not hesitate to replace the tablet customers who have problems with other new tablets for free. In addition, Apple has also provided the unit has been refurbished as a substitute and not a brand new course.